Celebrating the start of Excare Pharm’s 1.3MW Photovoltaic Project

At 10:00 am on April 18, 2022, the 1.3MWgrid-connected photovoltaic project of Ningbo Green Light Energy Group-Ningbo ExcarePharm Inc. officially started. The groundbreaking ceremony was held at the gateof our factory. The leaders of our company, Li Gao and Fang Fei, and theleaders of the contractor Ningbo Green Light Energy Group, Shi Lingli, attendedthe ceremony.

Photovoltaic powergeneration is a technology that directly converts light energy into electricalenergy. There is no noise, no light pollution, and no radiation during thephotovoltaic power generation. So it is a static power generation with zeroemission and zero pollution in the true sense. In response to the country'scall for cleaner production during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period,our company decided to start a grid-connected photovoltaic project. The totalinvestment of the project is 5.5 million yuan. And the roof of our factory withan area of 20,000 square meters will be used for solar power generation. Afterthe project is completed, the grid-connected photovoltaic system in thecompany's plant area will be integrated into the national grid, and it will notbe restricted by the national power curtailment when the national grid islimited. It also contributes to the sustainable development of the company.